Importing data


Flat has a sophisticated built-in automated importer to pull in data from other tools. To import data into Flat, click your avatar in the upper right corner and visit Settings, then visit the Admin Settings | Import Data section.

The Admin Settings section is only visible to team members with the Admin role.


Importing from Trello

Running an import

To import a board from Trello, visit Admin Settings | Import Data and click the Import from Trello button.

You'll be redirected to Trello and asked to grant Flat temporary read access to your Trello account. If you approve, you'll be redirected back to Flat where you can select which Trello board to import.

To import multiple Trello boards, import each board one at a time by clicking the Import from Trello button.

For very large Trello boards with thousands of cards, the import may take a few minutes.

What's included

The import includes Trello card titles, descriptions, members, labels, checklists, images, attachments, and comments.

Importing from other tools

We're actively working on building automated importers for other tools. If you're interested in importing data, contact us. We'd be happy to work with you to get your data into Flat (no charge).

Last updated